• name hani, han, keeby, kayo, etc etc etc.

  • age 25.

  • pronouns any.

  • location US.

  • astro sign gemini.

ㅤintroㅤ i'm a baby sprout who plays Sparingly (i'm poor and like to touch grass). i'm Not New to rp as a hobby (10+ yrs exp), and prefer "natural" chat-based rp vs. paragraph rp. i play at odd times and mostly just make lore up for my blorbies in my brain. i'm currently writing a Notion-based fishing guide, because i really only enjoy fishing in this game. i refer to my characters as "4for4 is 5 doller" or just 4for4, so if you ever hear me just say that, i'm talking about all of these dudes. i'm not very shy but i also think of myself as a giant pecan, so please understand if i'm not very friendly at first!

ㅤdisclaimerㅤ WU/T OK. i'm not a writer and i'm not as "into" the story as others, but i mostly stick to canon. i'm trying my best but i unfortunately suffer from cutscene skip disease. i so far have only finished ARR, but i don't mind spoilers for anything past that. though i don't interact with anyone who primarly does erp, i don't mind rping with you if that's just something you do sometimes, as long as you understand you will not be doing that with any of my characters. mature, non-erp is fine if we discuss the topics beforehand. also, most images on here are provided by friends or found online until i can get into making my own!

ㅤcreditsㅤ twitter icon is by sugi

  • do not interact if you fall under basic dni criteria, lewd/infantilize lalafell in any way, or primarily/only erp. i detest all of these things and will block you if you interact with me.

  • do not interact if you are a minor (under 18). i am an adult and i do not want to interact with any minors.

  • do not try to start heavy rp without talking with me ooc first. i talk ooc in-game, on twitter, and over discord, and prefer to have a general idea of who people are before i get into anything major/serious with them.

  • do not ask for personal socials. if i trust you, i'll give them to you.

  • do not use rp as a way to get something out of me/get to my characters for things i do not consent to. i'll krill you

  • do understand that i primarily play as myself, not rp. i always prefer that we talk as normal real people before doing serious rp. i am a normal real person, do not confuse me for my characters or my characters for me.

  • do feel free to talk about "spoilers" and any other game lore beyond where i'm at in the game. i don't mind spoilers and won't get mad if you "spoil" anything around me. be prepared because i may ask a bunch of questions

  • do ask about my characters beyond lore, i love to talk about little things from their moodboards to the playlists i make for them and so on. they're so friend shaped to me

  • do feel free to add one, some, or all of my characters as friends in-game once we talk, they're all open for interactions, though some aren't as "developed" as others, both literally in levels and in the rp sense.

  • do have fun love fish talk about fishing and fat cat, my only real reasons for playing this game, i love fishing, ask about my actual fishing guide log that i made in Notion it is a labor of love and i am insane about fishing!!!!!!! like me as a person. my character is as well but ME!! I AM! :D






  • name seonghan kashino.

  • age 25.

  • pronouns any pronouns.

After swearing to never fight again, him and his cat take on the rivers and seas to catch fish, cook food for friends, and learn the ways of crafting. he never stays in one place too long, always chasing the next best fishing spot. his cat is a companion to all that are his friends, and she loves warmwater trout. his past is something he tries to keep in the past, but it has shaped him as a person and he will never be able to forget it.

  • name yujin onibi.

  • age 23.

  • pronouns she/her, he/him.

nobody can keep her down, physically or mentally, though many have tried! her best friend is her soul mate, however others choose to interpret that. partners in crime, partners in life, besties4evr. despite his tendency for mischief and bubbly personality, he isn't stupid and he doesn't appreciate misconceptions from those who think they can pull a fast one on her. she can and will fight back when anyone presses her buttons.

  • name tsutsuda tsudani.

  • age 24.

  • pronouns she/her.

she's just trying to live an easy life with her best friend, and does her best to be responsible, but sometimes the trouble that the duo find themselves in is just too much to talk their way out of. it gets stressful, but when she gets to have a fun night singing and dancing with strangers in a new town, drinking with her best friend, admiring the moon, all those worries go away. at least, she really tries not to let the worries get to her. she's working on it...

  • name toyokichi yuzuka.

  • age 26.

  • pronouns he/him.

an honest life as a blacksmith is what his father taught him would be best. now that he's on his own, he has to admit, it's pretty nice after all, maybe a bit boring. that's what his friends are here to change! he's always up for an adventure, learning something new, or lending an ear to listen to his friend's troubles. in his heart though, he longs for love, especially after seeing all those around him find it with ease.

  • name lierin kudo.

  • age 25.

  • pronouns she/her.

who needs friends when you have snakes? well, she has friends, but still, snakes and scorpions are cooler than anyone else. coming from a rich family, she was the black sheep, rebellious and fervent. she retained her extravagant tastes from her youth and wouldn't be caught dead without the latest fashion on, nor with someone who refuses to get with the trends. in an argument, she can be won over with the finest jewels... or the cutest snake!

before everything disappears, i'll capture the moment in my eyes; a space for two that disappeared; i'll call for you every single day so i can reach you

  • name seonghan kashino.

  • age 24.

  • pronouns "my pronouns... aren't." (any/all)

  • race viera, veena.

  • nameday 27th sun of the 3rd astral moon (5/27, gemini).

  • origin ..

  • residence shirogane.

  • minion/mount fat cat, fatter cat.

  • main job BRD.

  • class(es) FSH/ARC.

  • voice claim lee eunhyuk - sweet home.

information a traveler at heart. it's hard to pin him down, physically and emotionally. his vacant stares can mean anything, though usually it's just him rotating a 3D fish in his mind like an apple. he tends to communicate in gestures, going nonverbal somewhat frequently, but does not have formal sign language knowledge. he's generally positive, with some odd existential dread glimpses that are hard to catch if you aren't paying attention. while he doesn't intentionally make fish puns, they do happen, and are just naturally in his vocabulary now. you may also see him running around, letter or parcel in hand, as he is a carrier for the deputy postmoogle!

he would die for his cat patches, and loves to talk about her. he strongly distrusts those who dislike any animal, especially cats. he would also die for his partners, cephei and james, but they wouldn't allow this so he'll just say he loves them tons. despite loving fishing, he hates hot places like beaches, and prefers to fish in cold areas. it doesn't take much to make him excited, a tasty meal or catching some fireworks at night will make his week. he is allergic to popotoes and doesn't really like the taste of fish so he prefers catching and releasing, or giving what he catches to those who would appreciate it more than him. he's a pacifist but understands sometimes violence is necessary to stay safe. he does have a preconceived notion that most men are... players, to put it nicely. he won't write someone off completely without at least speaking to them though, so don't let this deter you from trying to befriend him!


  • height170cm or 5'7"

  • orientationace, bi.

  • themewater, light.

  • strength●●○○○○○○○○

  • dexterity●●●●●●●●●

  • constitution●●●●●●○○○○

  • intelligence●●●●●●○○○○

  • wisdom●●●●●●●○○○

  • charisma●●●●○○○○○○

  • energy●●●●●○○○○○

likes all creatures; fireworks; ceph's stories; soups, fried eggs, pastry fish, acorn cookies; comfortable clothes; driving james around; eating an apple or egg; patches.
dislikes fighting; dishonesty; hot weather; highly populated areas; popotoes; FATEs; losing his fishing bait; arrogance.

i won't let them take me alive; gonna save this heart of mine; baby, do you even care at all? won't let you make me feel so damn small

  • name yujin onibi.

  • age 23.

  • pronouns she/her, he/him.

  • race miqo'te, keeper of the moon.

  • nameday 27th sun of the 1st umbral moon (2/24, pisces).

  • origin ul'dah.

  • residence ..

  • minion/mount coeurl kitten, aithon.

  • main job SMN.

  • class(es) ACN.

  • voice claim jin youngseo - business proposal.

information rules are meant to be broken, and yujin wants to break all of them. at least, the ones that are fun to break, not the ones that cause more trouble in the end. even as a kid, he was always getting in trouble, but tsutsuda quickly got him to clean up his act even if only when it's to get out of sticky situations. she does have a conscience, but she hates working, hates boring people, and most of all, hates authority. if she thinks you're abusing your power or pushing people around, she will not hesitate to put you in your place. she isn't all aggression and petty crime though!

both a girl's girl and a guy's guy, she enjoys breaking gender and sexuality rules. she loves who she loves, and her appearance can and will change as she pleases. he takes great pride in his fashion sense, makeup skills, and general appearance. he loves to show off his newest outfit at whatever popular venue is open for the night with tsutsuda, who he is trying to get more into fashion as well. speaking of tsutsuda, you will never see him without her. they are best friends for eternity and would rather die than live life without the other. though tsutsuda may be too mom-like at times, yujin appreciates how she keeps her in line and genuinely cares about her when it feels like a lot of "romantic interests" don't. she likes to date, but is incapable of committing to anyone (except tsutsuda, but yujin doesn't expect anything from her, so it's different).


  • height158cm or 5'2"

  • orientationbi.

  • themefire, smoke.

  • strength●●●●●○○○○○

  • dexterity●●●●●●●●●

  • constitution●●●●●●○○○○

  • intelligence●●●●●●●○○○

  • wisdom●●●○○○○○○○○

  • charisma●●●●●●●●○○

  • energy●●●●●●○○○○○

likes food; cats; tsutsuda's jokes; red wine; loud music; tall candles; leather; new venues; stealing; dressing up.
dislikes mornings; commitment; working; new heels; creeps; long lines; bugs; sweating.

you're the only savior to me full of scars; you're the only one who taught me how to see me; i can only be me when I'm by your side; i'm not a monster

  • name tsutsuda tsudani.

  • age 24.

  • pronouns she/her.

  • race lalafell, dunesfolk.

  • nameday 13th sun of the 1st astral moon (1/13, capricorn).

  • origin ..

  • residence ul'dah.

  • minion/mount korpokkur kid, miw miisv.

  • main job BLM.

  • class(es) ALC/BTN/THM.

  • voice claim moon dongeun - the glory

information early life was turbulent for tsutsuda. it took a lot for her to realize life is worth living, and worth living right, rather than spend it wasting away and resenting others. she met yujin at a rather young age, and finding someone who was such an extreme opposite to her made her feel like she had a purpose. even if that purpose is to keep yujin from getting them both killed, it's still a purpose. now, as an adult, she finds her purpose in her role as a black mage. her true reason behind her desire to learn more dark topics is only known by yujin for now.

she truly is a positive person despite her job. she loves to grow plants, play with whichever minion she has out that day, and hang out with her friends. one day, she does want to focus a bit more on dating, but for now she's content with her (long-standing, unrequited) crush, and with her friendships. she does suffer from depression, but she mostly manages it with medicine she makes. yujin is also very good at cheering her up, and in general is a great reminder for her that everything she does is worth something to someone, even if it's just one person.


  • height94cm or 3'1"

  • orientationlesbian.

  • themeearth, moon.

  • strength●●●○○○○○○○

  • dexterity●●●●○○○○○○

  • constitution●●●●●●●●○○

  • intelligence●●●●●●●●○○

  • wisdom●●●●●●○○○○

  • charisma●●●●●●○○○

  • energy●●●●○○○○○○

likes flowers; birds; yujin's jokes; white wine; people watching; fog; satin; fresh cut grass; the moon.
dislikes failed potions; confrontation; being late; murky water; dishonesty; being lost; cloudy weather.

i'm going on a trip to the far end of the world; the meaning of my time that passed by; i hope its beautiful as it is; i don't wanna go back

  • name toyokichi yuzuka.

  • age 26.

  • pronouns he/him.

  • race au ra, raen.

  • nameday 20th sun of the 6th astral moon (11/19, scorpio).

  • origin doma.

  • residence ul'dah.

  • minion/mount tiny tapir, sabotender emperador

  • main job MCH.

  • class(es) BSM/ARC.

  • voice claim ..

personality to be added

to be added


  • height211cm or 6'11"

  • orientationgay.

  • themefog, metal.

  • strength●●●●●●●●○○

  • dexterity●●●○○○○○○○

  • constitution●●●●●●●○○○

  • intelligence●●●●●○○○○○

  • wisdom●●●○○○○○○○

  • charisma●●●●●●○○○○

  • energy●●●●●●●●○○

brighter, redder, it's okay to rise up and burn; higher, up higher, even if you hide, you're still in the palm of my hand; the deep darkness, the thick clouds will hide you beneath a long night again

  • name lierin kudo.

  • age 25.

  • pronouns she/her.

  • race hyur, midlander.

  • nameday 31st sun of the 5th umbral moon (10/30, scorpio).

  • origin ul'dah.

  • residence ul'dah.

  • minion/mount the great serpent of ronka, resplendent vessel of ronka.

  • main job AST.

  • class(es) CNJ/ALC.

  • voice claim ..

personality lierin was the first and only daughter born to her parents, after 4 sons. they could afford to keep trying, after all, being part of the ul'dah elites. she got used to the perks of being raised around wealth and will accept nothing less from those she encounters, befriends, and works with. however, unlike the old mindset of her family, she prefers to uplift others instead of sneering down at them from above. the heavens will get rather lonely if it's just her. when her friends need extra help, she's more than happy to give them a no-strings-attached monetary gift, or even an actual gift.

despite preferring to live a wealthy lifestyle, she would give it all up to save her babies if she had to... or rather, her pets, which are basically children to her. she was always the black sheep of her family, spending time with snakes and scorpions as a child much to the horror of her mother. in her adulthood, once she left home, she found freedom in raising these creatures, and educating the public (or anyone who musters up the courage to visit her anyway) about proper snake and scorpion care. she doesn't bite, or sting, or have any venom on her usually, so stop on by and learn something!


  • height167cm or 5'6"

  • orientationace.

  • themestars, gems.

  • strength●●●○○○○○○○

  • dexterity●●●●●●○○○○

  • constitution●●●●●●●○○○

  • intelligence●●●●●●●●○○

  • wisdom●●●●●○○○○○

  • charisma●●●●●●○○○○

  • energy●●●●●○○○○○

eternally bonded

dearest, darling, my universe

best boyfriend

i'll hold you tight enough so you can't let me go

ocean torpedo

no matter what, you got me, i got you

mission command

you’re unchanging like the starlight

anchor point

you are a story that will never end

i don't want to fight your shadow

ㅤdisclaimerㅤ potential CW: PTSD, blood, gore, violence

requirements soldier/ex-soldier

seonghan abandoned his post, after being told in no uncertain terms that him staying would prove he has no intention of bettering himself. being a soldier was the worst part of his life and he shuts that part into the deepest corners of his mind, where only those who are close to him or have experienced similar can get to. this won't make him trust you more, but it will at least let him know you aren't talking out your ass if you try to relate to his dissociative episodes over it. current soldiers be warned, he does not think fondly of those who pursue violence without good reason, and will not be quiet about this.

we're all eating each other

ㅤdisclaimerㅤ potential CW: derealization/depersonalization, dissociation, death

requirements none

seonghan has a lot of.. quirks... to him. it's easier for his loved ones to catch, but if you're listening, you may hear him drop some odd statement like "we're all gonna die, decompose into daffodils and dandelions, the bees will use our flowers for whatever they like." feel free to pursue these tangents, but you might need the help of one of his partners to pull him back to this reality once he gets to "everything circle -> ??? square" or something else odd. he means no harm, but it can be stressful for some to witness, and plain stupid to others. he likely won't remember much of any interactions if they get too far into this area.

will i see you here next year

ㅤdisclaimerㅤ potential CW: death, depression, alcohol

requirements married/partnered oc

has your loved one disappeared for an undetermined amount of time, become something unrecognizable to what they once were, or straight up died???? wallow in your sorrows with seonghan about it! his partner cephei disappears for quite some time before they get married, and he wishes he was a jellyfish because of it, floating along without the fear of losing his love forever, because they don't have brains. give him advice, cry with him, get a bit drunk and also cry with him. this is not him at his best, but it's him at his most honest. if you want to make him feel better, good luck, but a certain fat cat may at least bring him out of his depression temporarily.

song for lenny

ㅤdisclaimerㅤ potential CW: none

requirements none

as a bard, seonghan enjoys everything about music! he doesn't get to making anything much now that he fishes most of the day, but he loves to sing, play instruments, and dance. once he gets to know someone, he tacks a song onto them in his head, and remembers them when he listens to it, so feel free to ask him if he has done this for you if you want. he can play the piano, guitar, violin, euphonium, harp, and flute, but mostly enjoys piano and harp.

shrimply having a wonderful time

ㅤdisclaimerㅤ potential CW: none

requirements none

seonghan is truly obsessed with fishing. it's one of the only activities that truly relax him, and he loves to go fishing with anyone who's up for it. you don't even have to know him well, he has fished with complete strangers! fishing is, in his opinion, one of the best activities to do with anyone, and will like you more if you sit with him for a few hours to fish or go find new fishing spots with him. he's currently writing a fishing guide, listing all the fishing spots he finds, what fish are there, what bait they like, and any other important information a fisher may need. he loves getting fish as gifts as well, and shares them with his cat, patches, who loves warmwater trout. he will probably just tell you about fish even if you don't ask him to.

mawnch, cronch, bonk

ㅤdisclaimerㅤ potential CW: none

requirements crafter/gatherer

seonghan is a crafter and gatherer by trade and at heart. he's into it all, but has his favorites: fishing, cooking, botany, and alchemy. discuss any and all crafting and gathering activities with him or set up some crafting and gathering sessions with him! he may give you some gifts that he makes and catches over time. yes, this includes live fish. it's like when a crow brings someone a rock.


available on apple music and spotify. constantly updated, same playlist just on different platforms!

other stuff

- Myers-Briggs: INFJ-A
- Enneagram: 4w5
- Alignment: True Neutral
- Temperament: Sanguine

random bits from twitter

i write a lot of little bits of lore about my blorbies on twitter! i have compiled the relevant seonghan ones into this document that will be continuously updated as i tweet more (: